Thursday, March 02, 2006

I always thought Isabel knew the concept of lies... Until last night.

I received a complain from my lovely wife that she got too "physical" with the maid. So I asked her:

"Bel... Did you hit Auntie Yani?"




I thought for a while then gave a simple example of what lies mean, then I sternly said: "God don't like people to tell lies!"... then I waited a while before I asked again:

"Now, did you hit Auntie Yani?'

..."Yes..." Then she buried her face in the pillow crying.

I didn't punish her, but instead encouraged her to tell the truth...always.


ZMM said...

Ah.. she doesn't like to do things God doesn't like?

That's very good..

And she's brave to admit it later.

Egghead said...

that's the way children should be taught! through words... and not scolding, humiliating or spanking :)

way to go!

blurblur said...

She's a brave little girl! :)

And i like your way of teaching her..

Jess said...

Me wanted to blog on my girl telling lies episode too. Wonder where they learn this skill as we never tell lies to her so far!

Good that your girl admit it!

geeth said...

That's the way.. we cannot get angry when she decides to tell the truth.. :)

My son, don't know how to lie yet. Ask him whether he did it? (but he didn't do it) He will blame himself!

So far, so good huh!

Contented Mum said...

Good way to teach the kids about not lying! Your girl is well trained!