But as I mentioned earlier, there was a minor outbreak in her playgroup whereby the teachers are doing checks for spots on their palms before they are allowed to admit to the class. Notice I'm saying palm because its all they

Anyway...she started having sore throat that's when the the nightmare began...
She screams and cries whenever she swallows, tears roll down her check, she grabbed her neck and hopped around screaming somemore. Its really painful to see her like this, she's super manja especially when I reach home from work... I stood at the door and observe her for a while before opening and announcing I'm home, upon seeing me, I seems to remind her of the pain and she'll scream and run to me complaining of the discomfort she's been thru the whole day.

But the weird part is there isn't any blisters or red spots on her hands and feet. Even the doctors isn't sure if its HFMD. But to be on the safe side, she was quarantined for the next few days.
Unlike the last time when she had the real HFMD, she can eat and drink. I gave her ice water which is able to numb the throat so that she can swallow better.

After 3 days of crying in pain, the healing started to take place... On Sunday she's able to eat and drink properly without any complain. Today My wife brought her to the doctor again to certify that she's either not having HFMD or fit and safe to go playgroup again.
I can see that she's glad the pain has finally left her.
But I have to say I'm more relieve than she is.