Taking TurnsSing along with Christmas song,
"This the season to see the doctors,
Fa la la la la, la la la la"I wouldn't mind if its just me, but my two daughters have visited the clinic a total of 5 times for the last 2 months.

Isabel earlier had fever and sore eyes, it keeps tearing non-stop. She hated it, especially in the morning cos the eye lid will be "glued" shut by the dried tears. She looked like the one-eye-willy pirate, really grouchy... Doctor gave eye drops for her, it got better 2 days later.

She couple of weeks later she had persistent cough so bad that she had to be brought to KK Hospital for blood test and chest X-ray. Well, doctors said there's phlem in the lungs so she'll need to start antibiotics. She really got me worried there for a while, but thank God she's ok now.

Early before Isabel's coughing drama, Ally had a week long viral fever. Temperature went up and down, she'll refuse her food, even her favorite cereal couldn't wet her appetite. Usually she's the most jovial in the house, but for that few days she was crying from the slightest irritation, refuse to let me carry her as if I'm the irritation.
Now... my wife is down with fever and flu with her nose running like Niagra fall, I advised her to stuff some tissue paper to stop the "leak", it may not look nice but it works for me.
Sigh... I think I'll have to make everyone to take tonics and

vitamins soon.
Isabel took this pic with my phone
i think all parents can share your worries and distress...it's really painful to see the little ones fell ill. hope your wife and kids recover soon.
Isabel still look very pretty even when she is sick.
Take care and get well soon!!
it pains me to see children in sickness... take good care and get well soon!
Heart-pain le when see our kids not feeling well!!
Ya, is time to feed them multi-vitamin after they recover..
u take care too, else your wife will pass the germ to u!!:P
Hey! I couldn't see the text on your blog for the past few days. Only the photo background of Ally and Isabel. Was wondering what happened. But glad it's back and ok now.
So how are the girls now? Pumping up with vitamins is good.
Happy belated b'day, Ally! May you grow in wisdom, stature and in favour with God and man. I mean, mankind. I mean, people in general. Aiyah, you know what I mean... :-)
Thanks for all the well wishes, they are better now, although Isabel still coughs a bit but at least she can sleep better.
To MS: I also dunno what happened. I found out that the template just gone missing, good thing I have a copy of it, just need to paste and republish.
Poor kids! Hope they are all recovered by now.
I started to feed my girl cod liver oil as advice from the Paed, it might help to boost her immunity system.
May God have mercy on all of us in this wretched season of cough, fever and flu, etc. By His stripes we are healed. Amen!
it's always such a dread when the kids are sick..take good care!
Oh poor kiddies. Hope they are well soon.
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