My one year old Ally started walking about 2 months ago, since then she has been exploring every part of the living room and my study room or "The Library" as Isabel calls it because I made a little reading corner for her with all her books she can access easily to.

She like to climb onto the toilet seat to dismantle the cistern push button, pull down my towel. Like the magician that pulls an endless string out of his mouth, she pulls the toilet paper see how long it can go.
Whenever she comes in when I'm about to brush my teeth, I'll make use of this time to introduce the toothbrush to her. Although she only got 5 teeth, I'll still brush her to let her feel how its like. She has figured out how to lift up the toilet seat, which means I have to find a way to lock it down.
I have a friend who found her Motorola"Razor" handphone in the toilet because a 18 months girl went "fishing" with it in the toilet bowl.
Ally is more attached to my maid than to me, but every morning she'll surely wants me to carry her around the house before letting me go to work. She's such a gem to me.

If you look carefully at the picture, you'll see the scar on her chest... That's the result of a 6 hour open heart operation when she was 3 days old... Tough huh? Now you know why she's a gem to me.
She is the living testimony of God's goodness and faithfulness. Amen!