My baby... learning to ride on a 2 wheels bicycle...
I've always seen commercials of fathers holding on to the bicycle while his child learning to ride on it, slowly he lets go and watch the child cycle away... feeling proud...
Well... I know exactly how he felt, becos my 5 years old has just mastered the skill of riding on a 2 wheels bicycle.
This is the second day of her practice, that's how she started... with frustrations, but she didn't give up. Sometimes I'll hold the bicycle and run along with her, giving her lots of encouragement.
After about half hour, she started to be better.
By the end of the hour, she was able to ride from one end of hall to the other. The moment I saw her riding all the way, I was so filled with joy that I almost teared... I'm so happy that she did it... My baby riding a bicycle.
The third day, she is riding non-stop. But she still need a really big open space to practice where she can go round and round unobstructed.
I felt very happy too when Ron could get his tricycle moving and make a turn one month later without diving straight to the wall.
*CLAP* Clever girl! Master the 2 wheel bicycle in such a short time.
So clever! *clap! clap!* Have yet to teach my girl to ride on 2 wheels...maybe I should start soon..the younger the are, the faster they learn, right?
This is very MOTIVATIONAL, I am very inspired to let my girl try too.. : P
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