Handy Manny, this character, comes from a Disney Playhouse TV cartoon show about a handy man name Manny,who owns a store of fix-it shop. His motto is "You break it? We fix it." His box of talking tools are his helpers when he fixes things. And basically he fixes just about anything.

And that's how my kids see me... If you ask Ally, she'll say "Daddy is Handy Manny! Daddy can fix light, fix door, fix toys, fix car, fix chair, fix cupboard, fix water tap..."
OK, truth is... I can't fix car.
My line of work doesn't require me to be doing hands-on work, but I picked up the interest in fixing things from my father. When I was young, I like to squat next to my dad to watch him fix things, learning the skill over the years, and try to fix things myself. I like to look through his tool box which always fascinates me on how the tools work.
Now, I have my own tool box, with my own fancy tools. But what I love most is being recognized by the children for the things I do for them.
ha! Its completely opposite here! Mommy does all the fixing and changing...from simple things like light bulb to big things like assembling the IKEA's cupboard.
To Rachel's Mommy... SALUTE!!!
I think that would be one of the criteria when they look for a boyfriend next time ;)
I have an award for you and nope, I did not forget you and Beaglesg :)
i admire you for being a Mr. Fix-It, pal :)
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