See how beautiful it is....the patterns on the wings is just so unique!

The girls had a debate on whether the butterfly is a male or female.
Isabel: Mummy, do you know whether it is a boy or girl? I say it is boy because there is black dot on the wings.
(I have previously read to Isabel on an articles teaching us to identify between a male and female butterfly, but frankly speaking...i totally forgotten about it. But it did says something to do with black dots on the wings. I'm surprise she still remember bits of it.)
Ally: No, i say it is a girl.
(Ally always wants to be different from her sister even though she knows she may be wrong)
Anyone here if you have any clue, do let me know :)
We decided to release the butterfly back to nature... Isabel was in tears when the butterfly flies out of her sight. she says she can't bear to see him leaves. I try to console her saying that she had done a great job to keep him safe for the past weeks and we still have 3 more "babies" to look after before they turn into butterfly.
Deep in my heart, I'm so happy that i am able to witness the creation and transformation of the life of a butterfly :)
So great that the children can see the transformation day by day :D And it's really a wonder the caterpillar didn't die first in captivity *LOL*... coz it might with my boys :S
i must say that the girls are quite gentle when handling the container :D
Wah! it's science 101 all over again...
btw, u have really very pretty girls!
A great experience! A fantastic science lesson that they will not forget!
A great experience! A fantastic science lesson that they will not forget!
A great experience! A fantastic science lesson that they will not forget!
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