Breakfast time!!! Its hard enough when back home to get Isabel to eat, out here in foreign country, its even harder. She'll take her time, probably 5 minutes between bites. She knows out here she can get away with a lot of things.

I tried to give her a variety of food... ham, scramble eggs, toast, bacon, pancakes... all these she'll shake her head and refuse.
But ultimately mommy knows best... my wife brought her cereal with milk, that she'll eat.

So of course I end up stuffing all the extra food down my throat, risk gaining a few extra pounds.
But I must say, the hotel does provide quite a variety of continental breakfast.

I thought Isabel only drag when having meal, she's lagi worst when it comes to shopping. If it doesn't interest her, she'll squat on the floor, moan, complain tired, suddenly want to go toilet, want to poo poo. She only liven up when we walk past a toy shop.

We took a train to Chatuchat Weekend market. We love going there, its our third time there, but every time we visit the place, there's always something new for us to discover.
Isabel like the Ice stick sold at 3 Baht each comes in flavours of various popular soft drinks.

Fear Factor Challenge!
I saw this man selling deep fried insects, ranging from cocoons to grasshoppers to cockroaches... eew!
The last trip I already saw him there, this time round I told my wife I'm gonna try eating a grasshopper.
I looked at the grasshopper and turned to my wife: "You sure they eat this and not bring it to feed chicken or something? I really don't want to look like a fool eating this."
In the end I ate the cocoon and the grasshopper.

That place is famous for selling pets. Puppies, kittens, squirrels...
We have to be careful not to let the puppies lick our hands, as it might make them sick so says the shop owner.
I once heard a man ever bought a puppy from here and brought home to Singapore. One day the "puppy" started to walk on hind legs. He brought it to the vet and they conclude that it is actually a BEAR!

End of the day... relaxing in an air con mall "Big C" shopping center, they have foot massaging for 250 Baht for an hour.
We started the massage at 10pm, Isabel sat in an arm chair next to us, fell asleep with 10mins.
It was rather relaxing. My wife wanted a full body massage, but with Isabel with us, foot massage is the best we can get.
I think many people got Thai just to get the massages... very famous hor!
So how does the insects taste like?
Huh? a bear ah? then how?
Have not tried the Thai massage before but heard it's very very relaxing..
Should go for a body massage. :) Very relaxing and cheap there too.'s the insects taste like? Sure or not it's a BEAR?
I too always have problem feeding my boy who is such a picky eater.
To blur blur and allyfeel: The insect tasted like over used frying oil, I think he has been using the same oil for too long. But the grasshopper is very crunchy.
Squirrels for sale too? So rare here but common there,right?
To hui sia: Its not that common, only a few stalls sell them, but they very poor thing, caged in a small small cage.
nvr been to bkk, sound interesting!
aiyah...i better go before kiddies come as both my wife and i would definitely like the body massage.
So how did you like those fried insects?
And gosh! The fler actually bought a bear without knowing? LOL!
Nice! Where you get this guestbook? I want the same script.. Awesome content. thankyou.
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