Wednesday, May 24, 2006

Just got back the homework I mention last time.

Got a Star for the chicken.

The body is covered in cotton, yellow wings are cut from paper.
The rest are colored by Isabel
Notice the star on the bottom right coner.

I can't find any picture of rabbit, so I drew and cut out myself.

Lion look familiar? From the Ad "The Wild"


Sue said...

Wow... I like that chicken the best, the body look comfy *chuckles*...

Mumsgather said...

You did that all in one evening? I give you a star for that. Haha.

LHS said...

Wow, you can draw well!

I always got "E" in my artworks.

blurblur said...

fat chicken --just nice for dinner...hahaha..;p

Nice work! :)

ZMM said...

You must have a long day on the first day in Bangkok.

After arrival immediately went shopping and Ocean world!