Its Isabel's 5 year old Birthday!!!
And altogether she had coincidentally 5 celebrations!!!
Her first celebration started on the Saturday before her actual day. Friend of my lovely wife, who loves Isabel very much, decided to celebrate it with her own grand-daughter, who's birthday is also in October.

First wave of celebration. She wasn't really ready as she wasn't expecting it.

Her second time celebration was in Grandma's place. She was expecting it, so she asked to have her hair combed and wear a nice dress.

Third was in her god-mother's place on the day before.

Her god-mother giving her blessing.

Her 4th time celebration was on the actual day in her school. I can see that was the happiest celebration she ever had.
When the children sing the birthday song, it was so crisp and clear. There was really a sense of joy in every word that comes from the children's mouth. I have heard adults sing more than hundreds of times, but none can compare the simple joy added in it when it's sung from the children. It was simply beautiful.

Her good friend Si Qi drew a card for her.
Ally was so popular among the children, they surrounded her, pinching her cheeks, stroking her hair, holding her hands. When she walks, the boys will remove chairs that are obstructing her. She's like a big living doll that everybody wants.

Isabel is so glad to have her sister there with her.

Ally cried when I brought her home, she wanted to stay in school with her sister.

The final celebration was in the cell group. The cake was baked by our member, Daniel Ang, who does that for every member's birthday.

All-in-all, 5 celebrations, 5 cakes. Out of which, 4 are chocolate, 1 strawberry.
Happy birthday Isabel.