Watching kids grow is fun... They seems to have no worries, so carefree...
When they go to school... we have a new set of worries to worry about. Even before getting them to school... Enrolling is a big obstacle many new parents have to face here.
Every child by the age of 7 will start their compulsory Primary education. Meaning by age of 6, the parents will try to enroll them to their desired schools. Some will prefer a school near their home, some will prefer a school with a good reputation.
But our enrolling system works in a way whereby if you already have a child in that school or have studied in the school, his/her siblings will enter with ease.
If the parents are former students of the school, or a member of the alumni of that school, their children will also enter the school with ease too.
If parents are staffs of the school... that goes without saying...
If the parents are volunteer in the school, or members of a church or clan directly connected with the school, or parents are endorsed as an active community leader, their child will have no problem going in.
So it seems like enrolling is so easy, where's the obstacle?
Well, the difficult part is when you are neither of the above...
I have friends who are in that catergory, and boy... were they stress.
Imaging having to compete with near 300 parents, for less than 230 seats... Many will smile, some will cry. Its not a pretty sight.
One of my friend was so happy to enter the school of their choice, immediately packed their bags and went Genting Highland for a few days of celebration.
Some parents in order to avoid disappointment, planned years ahead. Either they move to a house within a kilometer of the school, or they will volunteer their time in the school, or be a member of church/clan.
Well, I can tell you, I may not in the privileged group, but I am NOT planning to wait and be disappointed. I can't say out what I have in mind, but for sure it should get my girls in the school of my choice.
*Muahh ha ha ha ...* (Lightning...Thunder...)
Wow,take celebration too? Emm..like making "a storm in a teacup"
Wah...what are you going to do!!?? got thunder and lightning effect somemore..so scary...;p
The reality is, be contented with neighbouring schools, or go for the ballot. Frustration is not a solution.
Like you, I did the Singaporean thing, I balloted. I did not buy a Bt Timah house to get my girls into a school there. Thank God, my girl was the first five to be picked. It was fairly nerve-wrecking, but not extremely so in that we had plans for other phases. Planning is key.
Having said that, since the admissions are so tight these days, a wise decision is necessary cos a school can definitely affect and shape kids. I am beginning to see the fruit of having to go through that period with much prayer and thought. The girls love school like mad.
Oh, one last thing, about being near school. Since both you and wife work, the joy of being near the school is soooooooo critical. Especially when CCAs become compulsory and project work are all at home. Trust me, you don;t won't to be like me to make drastic job changes just to fetch the kids from CCAs.
E.g., my girl is in the gym team and her CCAs are 3 times a week. Because we live far, the school buses REFUSED to send her back at 3-4pm. I really had to cut off my work just so she can enjoy her CCA.
I meant, "project work are all at school, not home".
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