Here's the long awaited third and final day of our Bangkok trip with a surprise ending.
We started the day with more shopping... more moaning and grumpling and complain from Isabel. The girl will simply tell us: "I don't like shopping."
Finally, I brought her to the video arcade while my wife continued shopping, we agreed to meet back at the hotel room half hour before the check-out time.
Upon check-out, the Hotel hailed a cab for us to the airport, 300 baht, everything included... meaning the highway tolls and taxi fare. I asked the driver to confirm that we are using the tolled highway, if not I'm not paying him the 300baht.

The plane was scheduled to flight at 4.45pm Bangkok time. At 4.15pm they were already doing the final call.
The took off was smooth... but 20mins later the plane sank and rose unusually, I thought it was the turbulance. Then the engine sounded different, an addition of irregular high pitch sound above and beyond the rumbling of the engine was heard. Thats when the captain's voice was heard over the PA system to announce that he's going to bring the plane back to Bangkok for an emergency landing due to some technical problem.
We were like "uh???" Ok lah, if its for the best of our safety. I was very ok with it, better to be safe than sorry. I even manage to sleep all the way back till landing.
We landed back to where we started at about 6.15pm. 10mins later Captain was heard again, this time saying we have to change to another flight. Everyone just filed out the plane without much complains. Only one loud mouth smart ass passed sacarstic remarks which is ignored by everyone.

Many people started to crowd around the counter inquiring the next flight out. I stood around without making a sound, found out that they have arranged the next available flight to be at 11pm. Most people's jaw dropped when they heard that, started to complain, saying they got work tomorrow, they got urgent matters to attend to... But the truth is I believe that the airline has done whatever they could. What's more, they are providing dinner... Burger King and mineral water.
A few Muslims came to collect the dinner, the reception asked them: "You want chicken, beef or pork?" The Muslims were furious!!! Bang table... So, the ground crew have to buy them pizza... Halal style...
Isabel kept asking why we are still here... I explained to her that the plane is spoilt, we are taking another plane. She took it quite well, just went on eating her burger.
There really wasn't much we could do or for us to do but sit and wait. We were too lazy to go out for shopping in the Duty Free area not to mention the hassle of going thru the screening again.
It was past 10pm, Isabel was still wide awake jumping around. I gave her a choice, if she sleeps, I'll carry her to the plane, if not, she'll walk on her own.

At 10.30pm, a line was formed at the counter. But the ground crew informed us that the flight was delayed for another 45mins.
That's when we realised that its going to be cold up there if we are flying in the middle of the night, and we were all dressed for warm weather. I have no choice but to rush out to the duty free area to look for something that I can use as blanket for Isabel.
I scanned thru the shops as fast as I could, finally finding a shawl that cost 1,300 baht... no choice.
Isabel slept, I carried her to the plane, actually she slept all the way to Singapore with the shawl keeping her warm. I was shivering all the way without a wink of sleep.
Anyway we reached Singapore at 3.30am. Headed home and hit the sack without unpacking.
All will be done in the morning... afternoon whatever time I can wake up.