She chose her usual favorite strawberry flavored ice-cream while Ally never missed a chance to get her Sticky chocolate.

In the evening, we celebrated again at Grandparent's place.
In the evening, we celebrated again at Grandparent's place.
How fast she has grown... it seems like it was only yesterday that I watched her born in the hospital, realizing that my life is never the same again.
Now, she is half way to teen-hood, I just realised how much I missed those days when she was small and super cute... and I used to carry her and walk around showing her things. Talking to her, she would return it with a smile.
My wife asked me the other day, who do I think will get married first. I really hate to think that far. As much as I know that one day this will happen, I know more importantly is that I cherish every moment with them right now...
Hi Ricket, backdrop...hee.
1st of all - Happy Belated Birthday to Isabel!
I like the photo's conversation, very cute...hee. Where is Ah boi??
For seconds, I thought I visit the wrong blog. :)
Happy Belated Birthday Isabel! :)
I think woman usually think of such thing, coz I am one of them who asked my hub the same question. Hehehe...
Happy belated birthday to Isabel! :)
She's another October baby, same as Damien. :)
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