By 6.45pm, her contractions were very close, she started to twist and turn on the bed. I did my best to comfort her, ensuring her that it will be over soon, but she don't seem to hear me anymore.
Suddenly, she opened her eyes wide and stared at me and said: "The Water-bag broke." I lunged forward and pressed the red panic by the bed side summoning professional help.
The first nurse came in and checked, U-turned back to the door and screamed at someone else who pushed in a trolley with surgical utensils. Everyone started putting on rubber gloves.
In the mist of the pain, my wife suddenly said: "I feel like pushing now!"
But the Mid-wife replied: "WAIT, wait... breath... breath... pant pant..."
My wife waited as long as she could, but when the baby head appeared, they changed the command to "GO! GO! GO!" "PUSH! PUSH!"
The other nurse by my side: "DADDY! HOLD THIS LEG! Don't let it fight with me!"
I held on to her leg and lifted her shoulder to help her push: "COME ON! ONE MORE PUSH!"
Jared had a cord around his neck, but the nurse was quick to spot it, grabbed and pulled it loose before it got tightened.
Soon, I watched the baby came shushing out, heard his first cry.
At 9pm, where 99% of the hospital stores were closed, I managed to grab the last 2 bowls of noodles before they started cleaning up the store.
My wife, exhausted from the pain of delivery, ate hungrily.
CONGRATS! :)Baby Jared is soooo CUTE!
Wah! Your wife steady lah! 4 mins apart and still so cool :)
Beaglesg, hope you are enjoying your confinement and rest well :)
5 min apart and still shopping, really take my hats off. I was nearly crawling on all four when I was at that stage :)
Welcome to the world baby Jared !!
Congrats to the new addition! BB Jared's so chuuby and cute!! :)Your wife really very steady...saltue her!! :)
CONGRATULATIONS!!! and welcome to the world bb Jared... :D
p/s: ur wife is a superwoman!!! really salute her aaaa.. GENG AAAAA
A very big CONGRATS to both of you.
Welcoming Baby Jared too !!
Dear everyone,
Thank you for all your well wishes
The 5min apart pain is still nothing compare to the 1min. That one can really kill.
Don't think I can do it again.
wow, you are brave! 5mins apart and still eating and shopping!!
Baby Jared so cute, see that little smile on his face?! so sweet!! makes all the pain worthwhile! :)
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