Since our maid has gone home, and while we're still waiting for the replacement to arrive, everyone has to do their part around the house. Isabel has helped with sweeping the floor... although I usually have to do a follow-up sweep, but at least she did her part.

During the last weekend of the school holiday, (ok... I'm a little slow with the updating) we rented a chalet as we got ticket to enter the Theme Park and Wild Wild Wet in Downtown East for that weekend.
On Friday, we brought the kids to the Explora Kids, which, on any other day it would have cost us a bomb just to let the kids play in it for 2 hours. But today we got coupons.

We entered the hall filled with hundreds of kids crawling in a giant hamster cage. The girls quickly disappeared into the massive structured bellied with screaming, laughing kids. I walked near it, I could see children with sweaty hair, running nose, sticky skin... squeezing past each other with strange mutual understanding. It has a cultural that only kids understand.

In the Theme Park, the Viking is Isabel's favorite, I have no fancy for this swinging boat, but since my lovely wife is in the mid of the pregnancy, I have to stand-in for her and sit with Isabel as she is under the height limit.
As the boat swings higher, I'm being reminded how much I disliked being in it. But nonetheless, I sat up stiffly and braved through the ride with a big smile for the camera.

After lunch, before I could fully recover the energy, the kids are asking to go to the Wild Wild Wet. The sky was dull and heavy with cloud, I could even hear distant thunder... But not to disappoint the kids since we were on a holiday, I got them ready and headed for the fancy pool.
The place was super packed with families laying floor mat and sitting on every inch of the floor at the pool side, we took off our shoes but the floor felt so yucky to step on.
Every float has been snatched up, I went to a kid, took his float while he turned away from it for a moment.
We didn't play for long as the thunder was getting too close, and the life guard started to get the people off the pool.

That night, the kids were exhausted, took them few seconds to be knocked out completely.
As long as they are happy, I'm happy too.