It has been 1 year 3 months since we last visit the Zoo.
Since young, Zoo is one of the place that i will try to visit on a yearly basis. Not that i love the smell, but i simply enjoy the greenery and of course the animals. I manage to get the corporate zoo pass from my organisation and that will enable my family of 4 to enter the Zoo free of charge. And we also invite friends to join us for this wonderful trip.
Here is my family and 2 of my best friend , Amanda and Hui na. I have know both of them for nearly 20 years. Really thank God for friends like them.

Isabel and Ally trying to navigate the map
Starring: Verena, Kieran and Ally
We manage to catch the orang utan having their breakfast with their keepers. Here, we get a chance to be close to the orang utan. Btw, they were having milo and biscuits.


Job description: You are required to go on call 24hrs, 7 day a week with no off day and annual leave
"Hippo look-alike contest"
Cast your vote now!

Both Isabel and verena been helping to take care of Kieran.
We passby this plant and there's a sign that says this is a "Bak Zhang" plant. I have seen the dry bak zhang leaves but this is the first time in my life that i've seen the plant. By the way, when you go near the plant, you can even smell the fragrance coming out from the leaves.

Moving to the
Children Playground
After settling our lunch in KFC, we proceed to the chldren playground. We had brought along the kid's swim wear ,as this part of the zoo was a "must visit" place for them. The kids really enjoyed themselves in the water area.
Get change and keep moving.....

By now, the whole group of us were all very tired ( just look at our face)....especially the kids. So we keep telling them that we will buy them ice cream if they were to keep walking.

I'm sure all of us in the group will agree that we had had a wonderful time spending a total of around 6 hours in the zoo.