Monday, September 11, 2006

Death of more than a TV Star

The death of the well known TV host Crocodile Hunter Steve Irwin shocked the world...

He is an icon in what he believes in, a "Wildlife Warrior" is what he called himself. Not fighting against the wild animals, but fighting to protect them, introducing the beauty of these untamed to the people.

He set up zoo in the acres of land he bought. In a TV interview, he revealed that he has plans to buy more land so that more rescued animals can benefit from it.

We have seen his daring ways of approaching wildlife, we have also felt his passion for them. Hopefully this passion doesn't stops here...

Some people are sad to hear his sudden death, some say he deserved it for fooling around with nature.

For me... its a lost...
Lost to the TV world that they have one less money making name.
Lost to the Wild Life Preservation world that they have one lost a strong voice to speak for them.
Lost to the Irwin family, especially the small children he left behind.

In the news, his wife was still trying the come to terms about his death, the children are trying to understand why this is happening.

Its never easy for sudden lost, you'll never be ready for it. You'll also never know how much you depend on the person until it happened.

The best way to live a life is to plan it like you'll live to a hundred, but also like it will end tomorrow. Love people with no regret, do not let anger or hatred linger till the next day.
Forgive and forget.

Lets be mindful... look around you, have you forgiven everyone yet?


seefei said...

a provoking post. i dont know anyone who had given so much as S. Irwin.

Mother Superior said...

Steve was stirling in his contributions to the wildlife & wildlife education. I feel sorry for Terri. I'm sure God's grace will be on her to live on, strongly, as he would want her to.

Yes, forgiving others is one of best ways to live with a clear conscience.