I'm not a fan of SI, especially not the last season's.
But this year the hopeful was on the bad boy rocker Jonathan Leong. At least that's what I think.
The least is he looks like a star with charisma of a star.
like I said... stamps over the eyes of the people who think otherwise.

My elder daughter don't watch the show as I don't tune to it often. But from the bombardment of commercials and advertisements and even her little friends, she has come to know who's who pretty clearly.
On Sunday night I thought it would be interesting to watch the 2 idol wannabes battle it out for stardom. I was surprised when Isabel turned to me and said: " I hope Jonathan will win."
I was like: "...uh... ok"
So, for the fun of it, my wife and I splitted into 2 teams cheering for different contestants with Isabel joining me to cheer for Jon.
Last night the result was out and Jon lost.
Isabel looked at me with tears in her eyes and asked: "Why Jonathan never win?" I tried to explain that its a game, and every game there will be winner and loser. But still she buried her head in the sofa and cried quietly.
Took us a while to explain it and get into her head.
I'm glad they are considering to axe the show after this season.
De-javu. Hady can indeed sing better than Jonathan. Even if it's just marginally. Jonathan is definitely miles ahead of Sylvester. Still think Taufik is better than Hady. So much for the judges wanting someone who's even than Taufik. Mathilda should have been 2nd runner-up instead of Jasmine. The former's vocals are so much more powerful than the latter's.
Just as Taufik beat Sylvester, so Hady beat Jonathan. Vocally, Taufik is miles ahead of Sylvester. Hady can croon better than Jonathan, but the latter's definitely much more marketable than the former.
Wow, the advertisement so successful hor!
i didn't watch too..and Damien only catch glimpse of it on Sunday..he's not interested.
Isabel quite an emotional girl huh?
aww... little Isabel is so emotional... Must be pretty hard trying to explain to her, especially when you too feel that the person that should have won didn't eh? How to explain fairness like this?? *rolls eye*
Oh boy, Isable went so emotional over Jon.
That explains that we shall not underestimate kids nowadays.
Awww...Isabel's first heartbreak, that's so cute :)Next time, daddy will wish he could axe all the boyfriends that break Isabel's heart :D
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