Recently, there are so many publicity on the latest vaccine that works against Pneumococcal Disease in children.
After much consideration especially on the cost.... (most GP chargese S$150 per injection) I decided to have my two girls injected .
As Ally is still under the age of 2 yrs, she will require 2 injections. But Isabelel will just need a single jab. I'm fortunate to have a doctor friend of mine to come over my place just to give the girls their injections.
Ally took it quite well, cried for a while and she is up and running

She sat around with a grumpy face ignored anyone who tried to talk or cheer her up. The worst part is, she complained that she can't straighten her leg. She couldn't walk... she sat on the floor and drag her buttock on the floor from point to point. But I know its just part of her act to get attention from us.
I really don't know to laugh or to be angry with her.
Not cheap huh... my kids' paed told me it would cost about RM320 (if I remember correctly)... so for my lods ti would cost RM640 + pain.. ehehehe...
it's right for Isabelel to be angry with you mah :P
I wanted to get Damien vaccinated as well, but he's been falling sick the past few months..sigh...
Hahaha..Isabel got character leh...;p
glad you highlight this. if kids are susceptible, it is better to be cautious than sorry.
haha..Ally so cute!
My girl too complaint leg pain after injection, keep wanting us to carry her! sigh
Very pretty design! Keep up the good work. Thanks.
Looks nice! Awesome content. Good job guys.
Your are Nice. And so is your site! Maybe you need some more pictures. Will return in the near future.
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