Wednesday, July 26, 2006


I'm moving on... to a new site.

It will still be the same name... No doubt it will take a while for me to get use to it, but I've been convienced of the new and fancy features it provides.

Do continue to visit "Our Little World"

See you there...


Anonymous said... come suddenly so many people "Migrating"??? seems like a trend now

blurblur said...

wah..after see fei, you're migrating to wordpress wordpress really better?? I'm contemplating of migrating mine to wordpress too (account already set up)...hehe

Jess said...

大风吹,吹什麽?吹你去WP 啰!哈哈!

Mockingbird said...

Blogger problems like difficulties in uploading pictures and posting comments can be overcome by switching from Internet Explorer browser to FireFox browser. Most of the time, anyway :)

IMMomsDaughter said...

I tried WP too, in fact exported my posts from blogger. In the end, revert back to blogger and deleted my WP blog due to certain features still lacking in WP. There are pros & cons and I have another non mommy blog which I can password protect the more personal post.

Anonymous said...

Here are some links that I believe will be interested

Anonymous said...

Nice idea with this site its better than most of the rubbish I come across.