Monday, June 15, 2009

Foot Massage

I've always been giving my wife foot massage, she keeps telling me how much she likes it but I don't really fancy it myself.

To improve myself, I have to learn from the pro... so, I booked a foot-massage session in Compass Point level 4 to observe their method.

But the guy's main purpose seems to be trying to find my breaking point and enjoyed watching me endure the pain.

At first I hid my face behind the book and made faces as he squeezed a nerve. The pain shot through my body and tears flowed out o my eyes.

By the end of the session, my feet was no better and the muscles in the rest of my body was more tensed than ever.

How could anyone enjoyed such a session? What medical benefit does it help? Maybe its the way that locals do it. I remember getting a Thai foot massage from Thailand, its totally different, I fell asleep in the session.

Here, they make sure you are kept awake.


Rachel said...

So it must be really painful!

Thailand foot message comes with soothing music, it makes one sleep..

pepsicolawai said...

Hello, those Thai Foot Massage is massage without strength. They only "moh" your leg...