Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Over the weekend, Isabel and Ally did their service as Flower Girls for our couple friend. This would be the third time that both are doing together.

The place was the Old Parliament Hall. I feel very privileged to set foot into the hall where battles were fought, where hundreds of policies were produced and implemented... the place where decision made would affect thousands.

We were there an hour early to do rehearsal for the march-in. At the same time, people started to walk in and get seated waiting to witness this wonderful occasion.

7 Flower Girls led by Ally doing a very serious flower throwing, followed by Isabel and the rest.

Ally was very serious with what she was to do... she counted her steps, spread the flowers evenly on the aisle, doesn't care who is clapping or cheering. She just wanted to do her job right.

In fact, she is the most photographed Flower Girl there.


Mockingbird said...

Ally also appeared on the slideshow with Siu Ching, the bride :)

LZmommy said...

Your girls look wonderful in the dresses :)and they are so experience! That a unique place to hold a wedding!

Pardon me for asking... Is the girl and Isabel wearing the wings upside down?

Ricket said...

Ha... I thought so too but apparently it designed that way.