I remember the day she was born like it was just yesterday... I was in the delivery room with my wife, and I was thinking... in just a few hours, it will no longer be just the 2 of us, our quiet world will be changed forever... Boy, I had no idea what I was in for...
And turned it did, life was never the same again. But its a good experience to feel the love grow for her.
A week before Isabel's birthday, the regular gang of children were herded together to celebrate this big sister's birthday.
Among the presents received is this Musical Keyboard which none of us knows how to play. Maybe during the holiday, we'll sign her up for some piano lessons.

Every year no matter who's birthday, this Gu-mah will always prepare another present for the other sister so that she won't feel left out. So, Ally got a similar looking Hana Montana handbag.
I think her happiest celebration was with her classmates in school. She get to wear her favorite dress to school, its so exciting to see her friends running around and her going to her friends to take pictures.
We ordered the cake from Mr. and Mrs James Chan (j88chan2000@yahoo.com)
The kids are absolutely lovely

I bought her a Disney perfume meant for children.
Mommy bought a pair of Roborovski hamster which was promised months ago. 1 male, 1 female.
The kids keep coming up with names for them. At first it was "Wall.E and Daisy", then it was "Troy and Gabriella"... I think they haven't really decide yet as they can't differentiate between them.
She isn't afraid of them, and she even promised to help feed and clean their cage as and when needed.
Ally also handled the hamster well. Holding them tenderly, very soon, the hamster got used to their hands and didn't try to run away.
I have cleared my aquarium and its ready to be converted into a new playground for the hamsters and its off springs, if any.