Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Children and Swing

Ally trying to pull Isabel to a higher position so she can swing further.
So far they have been behaving rather well. I had a ton of ideas and activities for them, but in the end I can only do so little with them. I wanted to bring them out more often, but I'm worried about Isabel's academic future. I want her to be prepared before going to Primary 1, to learn the basic and make sure she don't lose out or fall behind... Sigh...
But I don't want to be robbing her of her childhood... after all she is only 6 years old.
I suppose its natural that the parents want their children to do well, but its also an art when it comes to balancing between fun and work.

1 comment:

Rachel said...

fully understand your dilemma..worst when they enters P1..all the exam stress will rob them more of their fun.