Its the last few days of the school holidays. I haven't really brought them to any where.
So I took a day's leave and brought them to a place call "HealthZone".
The place exhibits proper health care and healthy lifestyle, the importance of eating right. Also it shows how baby is formed, the "The Birds and the Bees".
There is this mannequin of a pregnant woman where we can touch and feel its "tummy" and feel the foetus inside.
Ally was so shocked and scared at it, she clinged to my legs and asked to leave the place.
Isabel was very attentive to everything I said. Especially when it comes to oral hygiene, about brushing teeth. Now she always tell Ally to brush her teeth twice a day.
I believe that kids has to be exposed to such knowledge early so that they have a firm idea and foundation of good practise.
After the "tour", we exited the place, then Isabel said she need to go pass urine. I remember seeing the a toilet in there. So I brought them through the whole route again.
Because it was closing time and there wasn't anyone around, we walked through the "giant eye ball", "dissected human body", the pregnant mannequin... quite eerie... really...
Now I know how the kids felt.