I've been to Pasir Ris Park umphteen times but I've never knew that right at the end of it, there is a place called "Gallop Stable"
Its a stable keeping ponies, and offers lessons on pony riding, riding thru obstacles... etc
Once there, we were greeted warmly by 2 little caucasian girls no more than 10 years old. They showed us around and introduced us to the ponies by names, told us which won't bite and which is more naughty.
When we were there, the ponies were having lunch, all of them had their heads dunked into the buckets chewing the hay ignoring us totally. You'll notice that every photo taken, their heads are in the buckets.
Its the first time the girls ever seen a pony, other animals they ever came into contact with are the dogs my parents and my sister keep and the cats on the street. Ally is scared, but not as scared as Isabel.
It took a while for them to warm up to the animals, but after 15mins, the ponies are still munching their lunch ignoring us, letting us pat them and stroke their fur.
By the end if the visit, we said good bye to the ponies but Isabel refused to leave. She fell in love with them, keep saying: "I want pony, I want pony"
If only we are staying in Australia and have our own land, I would have bought a pony for them.
Ally looked a bit scared there leh... :P
how do we get to this place? Care to share the directios? I bet it's a very fun place to visit!
thanks for the info. I didn't know where have this in sg except in the zoo.
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