This blog will serve as a reminder of how God had truly bless our family. We hope you will enjoy reading it as we pen down the little things that has happen in our little world involving the three kids.
Friday, December 22, 2006

Sunday, December 17, 2006
Orchard Road Christmas
But it doesn't look cold ya??...
Ok Ok... Its just foam...
Its part of the attraction in Tanglin Mall near Orchard Road. They have it every year during Christmas season.
Moments before the "snow" comes, kids gathered around the area, some were wearing rain coat, some in swimming costume. All prepared to have a good time of "Foam Party".
Isabel doesn't want to join in at first, but later could not resist the bubbles.
Kids love bubbles and foam. There must be at least a hundred kids playing in the foam. It reminds me of the scene in Happy Feet, where the baby penguins and their parents always able to find each other in the crowd.
This is my dear sister with Isabel. Isabel looks a lot like her. That's where she gets her good looks.
For this season, the new attraction in Orchard Road is the Christmas Nativity Village, it tells the story of Christmas. As you walk along, you'll see people dressed in costume of ancient time, you'll feel you are back in time to wittness the birth of Christ.
Starting from the 3 wise men following the star to the place where our Lord and Savior Jesus was born. Here the wise men are not that rich, they were holding donation boxes and asking for donations. But that has nothing to do with the story.
They are using real horns as trumpets, it sounds very nice.
These 2 are pretending to be Princesses standing in front of their castle.
Beside the story telling, there are many performers like this group of students from Dunman High playing Christmas music along the road. I must say they are very good.
This young girl from Philippine has a FANTASTIC voice. God has given her a powerful, clear and beautiful voice, instead of becoming a pop singer, she chose to sing only to praise and worship God, how wonderful.
Well, Christmas is near, have you done your shopping yet?
Friday, December 08, 2006
First Family Cinema Experience

We promised Isabel to bring her go watch Happy Feet, so we went to the Plaza Singapura for an afternoon show.
It was our first time watching a movie with both of them in the cinema. Isabel was excited, but so was Ally.
Before we came in to our seats, Ally was pointing to the posters of the "Happy Feet" shouting "Happy Feet"... every poster...

I looked around and found that there were plenty of adults and some are even senior elderly instead of some children all over.
I guess with such good reviews from the film critics and the fact that it overshadowed the new James Bond movie for many weeks in many countries, I'm not surprised to see more adults than children watching this show.

Apparently she got frightened by the scene where the seal jumped out of the water and chased our hero all over.
And she's upset that the penguins are locked in the zoo for the people to watch. Maybe one day she'll become an animal rights activist.
Anyway, I love the movie... the songs, the dance, the drama. The graphics are so realistic, I hardly noticed its not real.
As for Ally, she fell asleep 15mins into the movie... woke up 10 mins before it ended.
At least "Got head, got tail" lah.
Monday, December 04, 2006

One of my life long unfulfilled dreams is to join the "Iron Man Challenge" -- The Triathelon... Swim, Cycle and run.
But procrastination has caused me to delay the training... Now I have a new reason...
I tore my Fibrous Band.
I was in an open field playing with my daughters, they ran ahead, I gave chase. I wanted to cut their path by running faster in another direction, but just as I pushed harder... I felt a "Pop" in my left foot.
It was more like a rubber band stretching beyond the max and snapped.
The pain was not instance, it gradually creeped in as I walk. Soon it can't bear my weight, I have to start to limp on one foot.
The next day was bad... I couldn't even walk 50 m without stopping and lean on something.
I went to the clinic today, but the doctor say he couldn't do anything but give me pain-killer and advised me to rest my foot, I should be well in a week, then go back to see him after 2 weeks.
I got 2 days MC. :)