We found out that he has been promoted to Head of the Department, and now opens a night clinic in a fancy part of KK hospital which claims to provide premium services. But beside the free flow of coffee and tea, I don't see any difference it has with the other clinic.

But whatever it is, I'm not interested. I'm here to see the doctor to ensure that my baby is ok. that's all that it matters.
The doctor gave us a wide smile and welcomed us back, asked a few standard questions and proceeded to do the scan.
All this while, even with the talks of the coming baby, the idea hasn't really sank in to me yet. But when the scan showed the little fetus's heart beating in the black and white monitor, my heart leaped. I felt a connection... He may be only 0.68cm, but he's there, my baby... the little blipping light seems to be waving at us, trying to get our attention to say hello. Well, he got our attention alright...
"Don't worry little guy, daddy's here! We'll keep you safe."
And all the aunties here will be waiting for your arrival! :) Take care and have a smooth pregnancy! :)
A boy this time round? ;p
Haha! Xan & I seem to be taking turns to see doc Quek, ya?
Just after my turn is over, now is Xan's turn again..
Hahaha!~ ;D
hey... haven't read ur blog for a long time, and wow, what a good news... :D
Congrates!!!!! :D
wow! Congrats!!! So happy for you!!
The sex of the foetus is already determined upon conception. Only God alone knows if it's a boy or girl :)
Hi, congratulations for the 3rd baby!
Happy New Year!
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