Last weekend, we spent 2 days 1 night in the fishing village of Kukup, Malaysia.
It was a simple place, where lives is simple... Although the fishing village has more or less commercialized becoming a resort for people who want to spent an inexpensive quiet weekend, it still has retained its original form for many years.

When we arrived, the first thing to hit us was the smell, we were wondering did it come from the sea or the stall selling salted fish.

The place has many photo-scenic spots, it should be a hot favorite for shutter bugs. Even with my 5 mega-pixel camera phone, I was able to take some very nice pictures.

The resort has bunker beds which the girls are very excited about, they've always wanted to try sleeping on the upper tier. Once they saw the bunker beds, they quickly climbed up and refused to come down.
To the two of them who are born and raised in the urban city, this is something new. They were saying that they enjoyed every moment of it. But the only thing about them is that they don't have the appetite to eat whenever they travel, it very frustrating to see them refusing food or eat very little during the trip.

We also went on a boat ride and visit fish farms out in the sea.

Interesting that most of the kelongs has a couple of dogs on it. I guess its better than installing a burglar alarm on it.

I know the water condition does not offer any big fishes, but I was just trying my luck to catch something and spent some father-daughters time with the girls.

At night, the owner even BBQ for us, he was very good at it, everything was charred to perfection, only thing was, he wasn't very generous with the seasoning.

I don't know how to play majong, but it can be used to play memory game with the kids.

Isabel learning to be a model...

As it was still early after we "Checked-out", we went to Jusco for a couple hours of shopping before heading back to Singapore.