There's all the preparation... decorations... "shopalization"... realization... that you have over spent... Whatever.
Kids will have to wear new clothes and shoes, some adults will take the chance to buy themselves new outfit too. But who will know its new? There are people who goes to the extreme of ensuring that even their underwear is new.
People hope that the new year will be of good luck and prosperous, that means red, where in Chinese context, Red = auspicious... so everything is red.
Traditional decoration is still the hot favorite.
Most people will buy knick-knacks like sweets and tibits. A variety of them can be found being sold almost everywhere.
They say that those colored melon seeds are not good for health, I wonder how true.
OK... I definitely don't know why need to buy the Pamelo.
Oranges symbolizes gold which we give away and exchange with other people we meet or visit, sometimes through the exchange, we get better oranges. So we always buy good ones so to ensure others are blessed.
Red cushions, golden words... very auspicious. But the quality no good, won't last for a month. Just nice by the end the CNY celebration it will disintegrate.
I remember receiving $1.20 angbao when I was a kid, now the market rate is to give $12
Found a new product, striped peanuts. Nothing fantastic, it tastes rather bitter.
People stood around the stall, did more sampling of food than purchasing any of it.
Flowers... a sign of spring. It means time for farmers to start work and earn more money. Also a sign of new begining, new year, new life.
Ally walked through the nursery tried to smell every flower she sees.

"Am I prettier than the flower?"
"Of course you are."