The color? The style? The way it matches the dress?
Is it an in-built thing or God placed it in the DNA? It should be the DNA, having double X makes them look at shoes differently than the boys.
My elder daughter has more shoes at any one time than I ever had in 3 years.
And now she need another pair to be the Flower-Girl this Saturday.
At the same time, she also tried other shoes, just to see it looks nice or not.
This pair of legs belongs to her younger sister, Ally. Seeing her big sister try new shoes, she too grabbed a pair to try.
Isabel's feet
Ally's feet
We thought this should be nice for her gown, but found that the quality wasn't so good.
Ally started to try 2 different shoes at the same time.
In the end, this was the best choice but...
that's right... don't have her size. The display set fits her but the strap is broken.
Ally still trying more shoes dispite the wrong size and wrong side.
Isabel likes this but it was too informal.
Ally's feet.
But in the end, after trying so many, we didn't buy any.
haha..the salesgirl sure very unhappy . LOL
Hahaha. They're starting young. Happy New Year to you and your gals!
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