A week ago we were having dinner in "Chomp Chomp", and while eating a chicken wing, Isabel suddenly turned to her mommy and complained of a loose teeth.
Mommy looked and was surprised, not because of a teeth was becoming loose, but because of the new teeth was already protruding from behind it.
I saw the position of the new teeth and was very concerned. Questions ran through my mind, why isn't it under the old one but behind it? Would it require surgery to make it right? Can braces correct it? How much would it cost? How would her friend tease her? Can she cope the stress?
But Isabel has other concern... seeing the dentist. She has lost appetite for dinner that night.
The nest day my lovely wife called up a few dentist in the area, found a nearby dentist who's next available date is few days later. For the rest of the week, we tried to pray with Isabel, encouraged her, explained to her, described the procedure to her but she was still very gloomy. I've tried to persuade her to let me pull out the teeth for her but she simply kept her mouth shut and shook her head.

On the day, we gave a little container to bring along and told her to place the teeth in it once the dentist pulls it out.

When it was her turn, mommy walked in with her. Upon seeing the dentist at the chair, with all the sharp gadgets, she began to cry... I can't say I wasn't expecting it, it was her first visit anyway.
The dentist wasn't pushy, he just showed her the use of some of the tools there to calm her down, after a while Isabel walked out of the room with her teeth still attached there. That "orientation" visit cost us $15. The dentist assured us that the new teeth is normal to grow there and there is nothing to be concerned about.

During the same night, as she was grouchily sitting in front of the TV, I asked her: "Is the teeth bothering you?" she nodded her head.
"Can I pull out for you?" She was very reluctant, but still agreed.
I used a pair of clean pliers but it couldn't grip. So I gave the teeth a few more shakes, placed a gauze over it gave it a thug... It came out half way and was bleeding at the base. Isabel was making a lot of nervous noise but was not aware that it was almost out, I gave it a second pull and it came loose.
She was very glad that it was finally over.